Raw Earth Sweetener Co Pty Ltd.

2 Codrington St. Cranbourne VIC 3977

email: info@rawearthsweetener.com

03 9521 1553

Start baking with Raw Earth in your recipes! This conversion chart will help you get the best results!

Sugar = Raw Earth Sweetener
Measurement Grams = Measurement Grams
1 tsp 4 = 2/3 tsp 2.64
1 tbsp 12 = 2 tsp 8
1/4 cup 55 = 3 tbsp 36
1/3 cup 75 = 1/4 cup 50
1/2 cup 115 = 1/4 cup + 2 tbsp 76
2/3 cup 150 = 1/2 cup 99
3/4 cup 170 = 1/2 cup + 1 tbsp 112
1 cup 225 = 3/4 cup 149
1 1/4 cup 229 = 3/4 cup + 1 tsp 151
1 1/3 cup 300 = 1 cup 198
1 1/2 cup 340 = 1 cup + 2 tbsp 224
1 2/3 cup 375 = 1 1/4 cup 248
1 3/4 cup 395 = 1 1/3 cup 261
2 cup 450 = 1 1/2 cup 297